Li-Fi: How Scientists Will Replace Wi-Fi With Super Fast Internet Speed
Fidelity or Li-Fi is a new scientific breakthrough which promises to
make our phones and laptops a lot faster. It is a Visible Light
Communications (VLC) system running wireless communications travelling at very high speeds.
is a transformative technology changing the way we connect to the
internet by using the same light we use to illuminate our offices, home
and even streets.
LiFi uses visible light from LED bulbs to
transfer data, rather than WiFi’s radio waves and could be 100 times
faster than Wi-Fi. It utilizes LED lights that illuminate both our
workspace and homes to transmit high speed, bidirectional, secure and
fully networked wireless internet.

scientists have come closer to develop this faster wireless
communication channel that would be accessible in the next six years.
They have already made progress in creating full-colour emissive
carbon nanomaterial dots (F-CDs) to provide the light to transmit data.
latest research going on related to Li-Fi uses rare earth materials to
provide light, but Chinese experts have come up with another option,
F-CDs, a fluorescent carbon nanomaterial to provide light. This method
is safer, reliable and faster.
“Many researchers around the world
are still working on this. We were the first to successfully create it
using cost-effective raw materials such as urea with simple processing,”
Qu Songnan, an associate researcher at Changchun Institute of Optics
Qu informed that as the rare earth has a longer lifespan it
diminish the speed of Li-Fi transmission. F-CDs, on the other hand,
provides faster transmission of data.
New nanomaterial introduced
by Qu’s group of scientists can emit all light visible to the human eye.
This is an innovative development in fluorescent carbon nanomaterial
field. Qu further added that this breakthrough this essential in the
development of Li-Fi which he anticipates will enter the market in the
next six years.

tests in 2015 showed that Li-Fi can reach speeds of 50 gigabytes per
second. The technology began to make waves after scientist Harald Haas
of the University of Edinburgh discussed it in a 2011 TED talk. It has
been viewed 2.2 million times.
Technologies based on Li-Fi are currently being developed by several companies in Russia, Mexico and around the world.
offers lighting innovators the opportunity to enter new markets and
drive completely new sources of revenue by providing wireless
communications systems. Li-Fi is a game changer not only for the
communications industry but also for the lighting industry, and with
LiFi, Linmore LED certainly has a brighter future.
no doubt that LiFi is going to transform the world of Internet
connectivity, but it seems unlikely that its rise would necessarily mean
the death of Wi-Fi since the latter is deeply embedded in the
lifestyles of billions of people. A more likely scenario would be that
we’ll eventually have a wide range of technologies available at our
disposal and will be free to choose the most appropriate one.