Checkout The Top 5 Youth-Centric Churches in Nigeria
If you were ever looking for the youths on a Sunday morning, I
can bet you they’ll be in one of these places. These top 5 churches have
won the hearts of the Nigerian Youths. These churches speak the youth
language,-motivational sermons, short services, great ambiance and a
platform to be themselves. The minute the Nigerian Youth sets out for
the University, they locate one of these churches and feel right at
home. Find the reason why these Top 5 churches attract the Nigerian
Youth below.
- House on the rock (HOTR):
House on the rock is likely the most popular church for the
youths in Nigeria. So much so that the minute anyone approaches you with
the question, ‘what church do you attend?’, five out of ten expect you
to say HOTR. Some even assume you are a member, probably a chorister.
The dashing Pastor Paul Adefarasin and his associate pastors have a
style that works for the Youth. Excellence can be substituted for the
name of the church, as everything is done with pristine deliberation.
The mode of sharing the word which is powerful and articulate, is
relatable to everyday life, causing a definite change in the lives of
the listeners. The ambiance is exotic and exquisite with a sense of
strict coordination. The pew is full of fashionable people and
celebrities, so you might just turn to your neighbor and say ‘God bless
you’ to Genevieve Nnaji.
- Daystar Christian Center:
Daystar Christian center is another ‘’Youth-Centric’’ church
with its key vision of raising models in the society. Daystar hosts over
a thousand youths every Sunday and keeps them coming back to an amazing
time in God’s presence. Daystar style is simple and effective. It
thrills its audience to great music, powerful and practical messages,
friendly people, and an exciting atmosphere. 3 times in the year, the
Daystar church organizes a free skill acquisition program (DSAP) that
has trained over 4,000 Youths and runs programs from time to time in the
year that are focused on the singles. The ever wise Pastor Sam Adeyemi
is the senior pastor of this amazing church.
- Common Wealth of Zion Assembly (COZA):
Give it up for one of the most stylish pastors in Nigeria. Yes,
I’m referring to the senior pastor of the Common Wealth of Zion
Assembly (COZA) church, Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo. He sure has style and
the Youths love him. Life is too short to be in a boring service and
COZA does it right for them. Great Music, with its world concert
standard ambiance, simple and motivational sermon, good-looking people
and a refreshing atmosphere. It is no surprise that the youths are right
in COZA.
- Salvation Ministries:
I don’t think any pastor has been able to win Pastor David
Ibiyomei in a dance contest. I am referring to the real waist dance. He
does it best. Salvation Ministries is a church where you find a lot of
Nigerian youth. Salvation ministry is a very lively church that fills
the spiritual need of the Nigerian Youths. Maintaining a slightly
orthodox feel, it answers our parents that think that the Youths no
longer go to church, direct them to Salvation ministry that is where the
Youths are.
- Christ Embassy:
It is no news that Christ embassy is and has been a Youth
loving Church. Once you see that guy with the relaxed hair, just know he
is from the Christ embassy and he is emulating Pastor Chris. If it were
in your church, they would have asked him not to come again or given
him sermons on why the male gender should not use what belongs to the
female gender. Now you see why he chooses Christ Embassy over your
church. The word is deep, worship heavenly and the people colorful at
Christ Embassy.